phan rang air base agent orange

phan rang air base agent orange

Went to Yokota for a few weeks in Jan 1966. Categories: Content, US, Vietnam, Vietnam War | 20 years after I am dead they will figure it out that I should have at least been tested. If you open Google or some other search engine, type this phrase: Citation NR: Then type in a base, or an ailment or combo of. Thanks, Jin A, I hit the jackpot, I was in Thailand Feb 72 to Feb 73, assigned to the 307th FMS at UTapao, and 90 days TDY to Korat to the 4104th Air Refueling Provisional. The owner of the land was NOT happy. I was stationed in Korat in 1967 with the 561st. I was stationed at Korat AFB july67 july68, I want to know how many people stationed there had thyroid problems later in life. Brass was not amused. I have been diagnosed with Ischemic Heart Disease (two heart-attacks). Worked in the POL dump. A lot of our photos/doucments have been uploaded to Started at UTapao in73. This photo was taken in May 1969 during a VIP visit to Phan Rang AB, RVN by M/Gen. I would like to hear from any veteran who served in Korat and is living with bladder cancer, and from any of the guys that were in the 331st Bluestreak the same time I was. Our area was not declassified till 2010. We protested but accepted the fact drink or die of dehydration. During the Vietnam War, the United States military used an herbicide called Agent Orange as a defoliant in Vietnam and on the perimeters of certain Royal Thai Air Force Bases in Thailand. We were also stationed at Clark Air Base in the Philippines from 1964 to 66. He now has memory problems. That knowledge helped me reconcile in my mind the illnesses and diseases Ive suffered for the past 30 years. Hope this helps you out. And yet no mention of any submarines in the War Zone despite sailors having been awarded the Vietnam Service Medal with Bronze star. I was a Recipricat Aircraft Engine Mechanic. I am fortunate, but many others havent faired as well. All I can say is thank you to those who served in Thailand. If anyone has information pertaining to AO being sprayed within or near Nakhon Phenom (NKP) i would love to hear from you. I did this until returning CONUS on October 1975. On December 24th, 1975, I began four months of Hell while defecating 10-20 times per day while continually bleeding from the strain. I injured my back loading and had to eventually crosstrain into the medics after returning to Holloman. In Thailand, Agent Orange was used to clear the jungle around bases, as a meansto enhance security. The Dr. advised me to make a claim with the VA. 1967-1968. From a much different war, my father, an Army Combat Engineer enlisted soldier and officer (battlefield commission) served in the Pacific from 1941 to 1944. Im not sure if that klong ran parallel to front gate. Anyone remember Kenneth Hamlin? Maint, taking over from Ssgt Harry Helton. Nakhon Phanom is on the map titled U.S. The newsletter collection contains stories about dangerous missions, enemy attacks on the base, military awards and decorations, and descriptions of what off-duty airmen did to pass the time. We further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to This is a very sad state of affairs!!!! Was stationed at Takhli and Korat from Feb, 1970 to April 1972. Kidney failure, and hypertension, but seeing all you service members going through all this problems, I am already 79 years We have a lot of people from various squadrons that are actively participating on FB. Made many trips to Bangkok for the Officer and NCO Clubs. My husband served with the USAF from November 1966-October 1967 and was stationed at Takhli. and the Wars in Indochina,, Trying to prove exposure to AO. Do you have Tan son Ute records? I went to Amphitheatre High School during the Vietnam War and had a high school choir teacher, Mr. FUNK. I was stationed in NKP from 1970-1971. The majority of the fuel can from Bangkok in 3170 gallon trucks. I worked 6th APS SCOOT (Support Cambodia Out of Thailand) Dec73 to Oct74. We were also not supplies with jungle clothing , ammo and proper medical supplies. Attribute that to agent orange exposure while on NKP and while at Pleiku, Vietnam. We further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove a user's I was stationed in namphong Thailand from 1973 to 1974 I was attached to the airwing and we supported the war from there. If he was stationed in Vietnam, a base name or Corps (I, II, III or IV) area: I performed a variety of duties (assembled bombs including laser guided worked at the bomb dump as well as the bomb/flare/rocket build-up areas at a fenced-in perimeter location, and delivered various munitions to F4s on the flight line as well as flares and 20mm rounds to AC130 Spectre aircraft). My husband (Arthur) worked in Bangkok, Thailand for Philco-Ford Communications and Satellite Division from 1967 to 1969. Hi I have numbness in my hands and feet Im healthy physically, blood pressure etc just nerve damage. You hit the ground fast. Living in the hootches was really diff. Another relevant source isa set of maps createdby Army Map Service that is titled Thailand 1:50,000, Series L708, Edition-1. Also, have been hit with Inclsion Body Myositis-IBM (diagnosed following two muscle biopsies). Sq., Ground Radio Equipment Repair. served in warin communications station a few miles west of the laotion cambodian border. Remember playing softball in the field attached to the base. After many denials and appeals, and taking it as far as I could with my Vet Rep, I contacted the Veterans Consortium online who works with attorneys who work pro bono for veterans or their survivors. Dont know how to get it to those who want iit. To all my brothers,WELCOME HOME!! hw-pr-swartz-17-op-nui-dat-1966.jpg I had been healthy up until 1978 when I started to get all kind of health issues. Two of my brothers were in the conflict, one Air Force and the other Navy. Now diagnosed and being treated for diabetes and multiple myeloma. Denied 3 times. VA acknowledged in my claim I was exposed but denied my issue. So glad you, too, made it home safely, although no one comes out of any war unscathed. I cannot confirm that the list is exhaustive, but it is significant. My barracks was #2606 (1 of 3 buildings end to end) on the base perimeter next to an open field. I was the Public Affairs Officer for the 35th TFW, the host unit for Phan Rang AB from March 1958 until mid-October 1968 when I was transferred to Cam Ranh Bay AB from mid-October 1969 until early March 1969 when I was ordered to SAFOI in the Pentagon. He was the commander of the Blind Bats. 1931 Stationed Udorn Apr 69 thru Apr 70.Worked control tower as air traffic controller.Had heart attack in 2012,,Ischemic heart disease is a covered ailment. Served 98-70 NKP. I worked at the AGE shop. I would like to personally thank the United States government for treating the Viet Nam veterans with the respect that we deserve. My husband was at Udorn and died at 48 from massive heart attack. Lived and jogged on perimeter everyday. Then, six months before discharge, I injured it a fourth time. Stage 7 prostate cancer myself along with three auto immune diseases. I used a 3 day pass to go to Pattyah Beach also during my time in Korat. Served on the LORAN station at Sattahip, Thailand. Thanks for your work on this Ryan. He died from an AO presumptive disease but having trouble proving exposure. I got notified this month my claim was denied. Been fighting the VA over illnesses they claim were not service related for over 15 years even though there is documented evidence proving otherwise. Look up stuff like Ubon RTAFB. Installations and Facilities in Thailand by the 652nd Topographic Engineer Battalion. Doug. Oh Mr Farmer who said he was at ubon 72-73 time frame. This too was patrolled by K-9 units. It is located in the Ninh Thuan Province of Vietnam. Edwardo Perez, Jr asked about the Klong running through Utapao. I contacted the VA over a year ago about a ID card and possible benefits. I left a wife and a 8 and 6 year old on Christmas day 1969 heading to San Francisco for my flight to Bangkok. I was stationed at Udorn (USAF)in 1967-68. Glad I got out of there in February 1967, they wanted me to reenlist. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I was NCOIC of the Security Police vehicle shop @ Veh. Continuing on, you reach the Airmens Club on the left and the NCO club on the right. My dad was stationed in Germany. I am looking to document the guard duties we had to perform to protect the base when we were under suspected attack. Im working on an intense website that connects military to locations and diseases/illnesses, This has been a long process due to military locations. I have a lot of the presumptive conditions but was also denied compensation. On and off flightline daily to preflight and postflight equipment aboard aircraft. Was stationed in NKP 68 609 air commando sq. It seems that a lot of the info about inf units in thailand I am not sure he was ever stationed there. 1st Brigade 101st Airborne camp, Phan Rang, November 1966.png. Trying to establish VA claim but not successful establishing perimeter location exposure. Su clic en Google.Ads es una estafa? not only did we load it on to the Air Craft down by the Beach end of the runway but our BKS where located not more than 50ft. Accept for a couple of pictures taken on the second floor of barracks 2155, I have no proof that I was even stationed there, no orders, no performance reports, no VSM(ended in Jan 73, even though I refueled B-52s that were still bombing Laos and Cambodia). NIH says that on of the possible causes for IBM is contact with a Toxic Substance I believe the seed for IBM for me was planted 68/69 while stationed at Korat and flying cobat mission in Vietnam. I was at Phan Rang from 23 Dec 69 to 24 Nov 70. Station NKP Thailand 74-75, trying to find out if anyone knows how to get the Security Police daily logs on manning towers and flight line, was augmented to that duty but of course no record of such action. he came hone, and finally retired after 28 years, in 1979. Walt, your father or even you should consider joining our Phan Rang AB FB group and he might even be able to reconnect with some old friends and we also have an annual reunion. 8th Security Police Squadron. I filed a VA Claim for PAD in early October 2019 and it came back approved in late October 2019. I was turned down for the agent orange list. Frank Niehus, Served as one of the Crew Chiefs of the Water Plant with the 35th CES, 68-69. The intended result was to expose enemy forces who relied on the trees for cover. I was stationed at Phan Rang AB Oct 67 to Oct 68. Still took a year, but rating was finally approved. USAF 2 years in Danang,Phu-Chat,Vietnam,Ubon Thailand the Government could care less about our health problems take you Oxicodone and shut up, and thats if they will even send it to you thats Our Reward for going to war ! I have a question directed to anyone who can offer an answer even if it is of a general nature. He only disclosed that his duties caused him great stress as how well he did his job could determine whether men lived or died. No. I was stationed at Korat 74-75 388 MMS 46250 weapons mech F4. Ramp 5060 is entirely within the 500 meter drift zone. So he traveled through the gate daily. God bless all the brave men who survived, and those who didnt. I agree with the #1 person on this blog! CREW CHIEF ON F-4E PHANTOMS WHITE SECTION 421st BLACK WIDOWS, HAVE PROSTATE CANCER 2018 Mike passed away on August 5th of this yr. from Metastatic cancer which is on the Agent Orange list.hope everyone will get the help you need, we need better congressmen and women who will fight for us! I had no idea that AO was being used to clear the jungles before we went in to grade and build barracks. One was near or in the central supply. ALTHOUGH MY TIME IN THAILAND WAS LIMITED, I LIVED IN THE MOST AFFECTED AREA ON THE AIR BASE IN DANANG, 1966-1967 538th Eng Co. Does anyone know or did kno a person by the name of Dan or dannie f harrolle that was in the air force when he was in thialand. I think we are a year or two away from a situation where the veterans who were based in Thailand will have a much easier road for their disability claim. plus he would fly in to Vietnam but the VA couldnt find any thing about that plus they were shot down over Laos and was on the ground hiding for 12 hours. Msgt Robert stewart, I was at phan rang, in the 35th supply sq 19 70-1971. I was told my illness are not connected to the military. I have gotten 3 Thailand vets approved and am working on 3 more. I served @ HHD 9th Logistical Command, in Korat, Thailand Jul 1964-1965. He was a star athlete & coached high school track until 4 yrs ago. We also had a breakout of Malaria and the fogged all through the hooch area every night, the dosage was stronger than what is legal in the USA. My Dad is a Vietnam Vet, he didnt see action, however he spent lots of time with the wounded while he was in the hospital ill. Like MIKE I was stationed at Takhli Thailand from Dec.65-66. I was stationed at Korat RTAFB 1974-1976 worked A7Ds, F-4s, and AC-130 Gunships.

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phan rang air base agent orange