i am an indigo child now what

i am an indigo child now what

It was this aura-sensing and not the actualmeaning of synesthesia, which is much cooler on account of actually being proven to exist that she was using the word to describe. 10. They also tend to enjoy reading and learning more than the kids their own age. 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In 2001, I worked with several of the writers who contributed to the Indigo Children book to do a newsletter, which we called the Rainbow Bridge. Indigo children are intuitive, empathetic, spiritual, and have a deep sense of knowing. The reason we are here in force goes beyond the aid of Gaia, she is more than capable of looking after herself and we are but a fraction of her children but of course we are the most troublesome currently. One of the characteristics of the fourth generation isthe pure indigo color of the aura. Nonetheless, your idealism is what helps you to strive for the highest and do the absolute best you can for the planet. While this is a good trait to have as an indigo child, it is also important to take care and not put too much pressure on yourself or others around you. 133 Comments. Heavy, right? You might find yourself drawn to the arts and nature. Here is a partial list of tell-tale characteristics. Indigos are very intuitive, often psychic. The idea that indigo children were not just unique, but semi-magical, was encouraged by some of the main original proponents of the concept. Not sure,just heard about Indigo children recently.I am empathetic beyond what is normal,cant even watch posts on the suffering of others,I get depressed by the pain around me!I tend to discuss issues that expose the dark side of people and try to enlighten them,I am some what of a troll hunter,shutting down most very quickly as I wont back down cause good will prevail as I see it!I am a gifted writer,poetry comes easily to me,as does most writing but always too impatient to actually do much writing unless it has a direct purpose.I have started to paint and make creatve jewelry,some for helping animal rescue and some for chindrens causes.I have no kids as I spent my life dedicated to those with behavior problems,been reffered to as a spengalli by many that knew me,I dont see that,but I think I am kind enough to be an angel on earth.I am a giver,a defender of the down trodden,a lover of the sun,most of my paintings are sun related.I am only comfortable with people like myself and close family and friends,somewhat reclusive.I think I am different and always have been,my mom said I used to talk to the angels in my crib,and have encountered strange occurances,where people came into my life for brief moments,that were not supposed to be from this world,hard to explain on here,lol!My sensitivites have led to depression ,anxiety,etc,but my inner positive strength has always lifted me out of bad places,back to the light.I dream a lot about taking flight off my bed ,right to the ceiling,lol,and often have really crazy dreams that seem to take me to another dimention,which can be a lot like Alice in wonderland.I have made many predictions about fute events and people that were right,even read things out of books by sociologists that I had already written before I read tem.Not sure if Indigo,was born in Dec.1958,but I am sure I am special,and the reactions of others,especially children and animals are almost magnetic,they seem to know my heart is especially kind!Anyway just checking this out,it is really sunny and now I must go and enjoy this beautiful day! This is because you recognize that your mind runs along a different path to theirs. So allow us to quash those misgivings: the indigo child concept relies entirely on one womans assertion that she could see mystical colors emanating around kids bodies. To sum it up, if strange things happen to you, and you feel that you are on a spiritual path, and moreover, that you feel that you are on a mission to help others, it is most likely exactly what it seems to be. Figuring out that I am an Indigo Child was . For each of the indigo generations, the process of awakening begins aroundthe age of 28-29 yearsand lasts about 7.5 years. The Indigo phenomenon has been recognized as one of the most exciting changes in human nature ever documented in society. I never felt comfortable doing so, but I read your post and felt compelled to write you. You motivate and teach others to change the world with you. To love myself and others in a right way. If thats the case, its important to give them the attention, medical or otherwise, that they truly need. Indigo children are sensitive, curious, independent, open-minded and artistic. Doing so can help you to get more in touch with your own intuition, your soul path, purpose, higher wisdom, knowledge and higher consciousness. I don't know statistic HTML5 version Quiz change Report illegal content Create your own quiz Add to your website Katie has a PhD in maths, specializing in the intersection of dynamical systems and number theory. (Free Test), Emotional Trauma Test (Free 2-Minute Quiz). Enlightened teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti sums up the indigo childs philosophy when he writes. Come Out to Yourself. , I am a Delta Indigo born Jan 13th 1994 at 13:13, diagnosed at 11 with ADHD and was always being supressed in school for being too active, the medication Concertra XL destroyed me for a year until i took myself off them at 16, i had my awakening in 2017 when i called myself indigo i would hear it in my head for years before until i found out what it meant, i lost myself and rebuilt myself up many times after a lifetime of trauma, i didnt start to heal until age 26 in 2020 and since i did ive been fast tracked towards my true path as now- in the midst of a heavy spiritual karmic war i found my gift and now use it to help others get onto their path daily, when you stay true to your path and never give up you will be protected from anything and guided towards where youre meant to be, 58. The aura was also under the influence of themetallic beige hue,protecting them from external attacks and excessively early showing of indigo potential. I would sneak out of the house, lie in the grass and pore over the stars. Parapsychologist Nancy Ann Tappe had always been able to see people's auras; the colors surrounding an individual would inform her what their particular purpose in life was.In the late 1970s, she suddenly began noticing a "vibrational color" that she had never seen . If they are able to, they may rescue animals or support animal charities. According to research psychologist Russell Barkley, the New Age movement has yet to produce empirical evidence of the existence of indigo children, as the traits most commonly attributed to them are closely aligned with the Forer effect so vague that they could describe nearly anyone. maybe i might find teenagers who are experiencing the same loneliness that i am love and peace, Cee . This is because indigo children often display special gifts like empathy, telepathy, or clairvoyance. So trying to remain calm i just said it was probably his daddy watching over us. What I did was read alot about the immunity and what to do to increase it so I came across a couple of things and have since then coughed up so much pleghm and mucus which has helped my root chakra become stronger and more stable. As an indigo child, you are called to a purpose that is larger than everything you are. In their definitive book on the Indigo Children, Lee Carroll and Jan Tober provide the following definition: "The Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. They love learning about other explanations for the world around them, knowing how incomplete our current answers are. Highly sensitive to their environment. Its like you are born tobe misunderstood and you find it difficult to follow others for no proper reasons. They want to understand why its a rule, and then, if it makes sense, the indigo child will respect it. Luna & Sol Pty Ltd 2012 - 2022 LonerWolf.com. Although the truth hurts, you honor it above all else. Im a beta (69). Every day I do something with love caring people and animals. My mind and soul feel so much more centered and I have alot less stress than I had before and it is quite scary now because as I get more conscious I start to realise more of the pain in peoples heart/soul. If you possess more than half of these traits, youre likely an indigo child: You are a passionate person who will do anything it takes to accomplish your goals or dreams. Too much to talk about here but after that so-called awakening i had a son at age 41 & his dad passed while i was pregnant. These are humanist, artist, conceptualist, and catalyst. Anyways my son is almost 4 & sees auras but has a lot of health issues, right now respiratory w/all the chem trails & allergens. Courage will replace fear. Had a deep interest in 'weird': paranormal and psychic phenomena. Love will replace hatred. When I've read some sites on it (unfortunately often too esoteric), I just realised that is about me! I am never lonely but prefer to be alone most of the time, until 7 yrs ago when I met my twin flame. I hope that more people will be enlightened by this information. And in tiny pill bottles across the world, something else was happening: a massive change in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological and neurological disorders. Indigos are known for their anti-establishment leanings and their drive to see the old ways overturned and a new, better path forged. I am 17. Trust your gut, and I know you have all experienced the wilderness call, make sure you follow them. Maybe you just know someone who is part of the Indigo generations. Indigo Children's Traits, Characteristics, & Test Indigo Children is a topic that many people regard as a myth. To think so narrowly shows your prejudice towards those who are not as young as you. Unfortunately, some other indigo child traits cause indigo children to undergo periods of turmoil, especially in their childhood and adolescence. While there is no evidence to support the claim that Indigo children are real, many people believe that they are. I am an Indigo Child, not an Indigo PhD in Molecular Biology. I cant be nice I always react in a boss bitch sarcastic who the fuck do you think you are attitude towards them. I feel hes settled into his path. I am studying metaphysics now and became an R.M.T. If so, some may have labeled you as an indigo child not, as your parents and teachers might have thought, a little terror who ought to be in detention four days a week, but nothing less than the next stage of humanity. Many indigo children are teachers in different capacities because it is a role that suits them and helps them fulfill their life goals efficiently. Very few will get it anyway. Unlike people who are obsessed with career or financial success or thrill-seeking or even nihilism, the motivating force in an indigos life is that they have a sense of fulfilling their purpose in being born. As a stubborn rebel, you dont conform to other peoples ideas of how things should be. Because of their headstrong and freethinking nature, such children are often feared, misunderstood, and therefore medicated at young ages. Whether its inventing a story to tell your a little kid or keeping people entertained while talking about your day, no one can tell a story quite like you. Aletheia is a prolific psychospiritual writer, author, educator, and guide whose work has touched the lives of millions worldwide. Before you dive into the 22 signs, I therefore highly recommend you get a free numerology reading, if youre not already sure what your strengths and weaknesses are. This is a very special place. I know something/someone has done some kind of scanning on my body at night while trying to sleep. You feel more than other people. However, without forgetting love. While it is true that the indigo child label can be misused, just as any label can, the true signs of an indigo child are so specific that they cannot be widely applied to every person. My entire life I have wondered why I never fit in, no matter where I went. Indigo children are a special group of human beings that are incredibly gifted. ). One of the main character of Indigos, is that they cant stand in a group, mainly they seeks everything in their inside, as you are already doing so, in case you need indication life it self bring it to you, almost everyday . My delta found his calling, he finished his masters Degree and will create therapy plans and work with kids on the spectrum. Making the average person feel intimidated and feeling like they can never reach my level of perfection and how easy i make it look. Thanks for posting, this is the first time Ive ever posted something on this topic. Learning Mind does not provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The primary role of the indigo child seems to revolve around exposing truth and deception. True to their nature, though, they find a way around it. OH I like to write too.sorry, this is a mini novel! From a young age, indigo children can see through the illusions, half-truths, and falsehoods rampant in society. 16. Other potential traits of indigo children include: Indigo children are here to provoke change in a time where conscious growth is more desperately needed than ever. Whether its music or painting, crafting or cooking indigo children are all extremely creative people. This wave will soon be split in order that all can be afforded the right space suitable for there evolution. The first generation, which was called Alpha, includes children born in the period between1958 and 1968. The Indigo Children is a book by Lee Carroll, a channeler for an entity he calls Kryon, and his wife Jan Tober . In the meanwhile, I wish you all an infinity of colorful light. He was a quirky kid with a big heart that always wanted to please. According to Tappe, the period of the awakening of the Alpha generation was from 1986 until 1996. Self proclaiming indigo makes me feel like Im participating in that noise (as if its to inflate my ego, but its notI know none of you and benefit in no way), but as we all knowour intuition has only strengthened with each passing day since our current incarnation. You seem to understand people almost too well at times, even when they have provided very limited information about themselves. Very often, Indigo children are misdiagnosed withADDandADHD as children. His standardized tests were always in the 95 percentile and he read extensively. | RSS, Key characteristics of being an "indigo child" include "being a child". Creative - Indigos may choose careers like writing, painting, sculpting, designing, ( and even blogging!) What is an indigo person? connected. You would prefer to suffer from the truth than be happy believing lies. Indigo children are light-bearers who are driven by the sole purpose in life: to awaken humanity. They dont do well with rigid structure, because they dont understand the need for it. The Indigo label describes the energy pattern of human behavior which exists in over 95% of the children born in the last 10 years This phenomena is happening globally and eventually the Indigos will replace all other colors. Hes also a talented illustrator and highly creative. A person, usually a teenager or young adult who does not and can not comply with modern society, who is highly evolved spiritually and is believed to have come here in this time to aid in the transition of the energies of earth in the near future. This wave of souls we call humanity has reached a an impasse which is the result of the potential difference between the most advanced of us and the least evolved. I study all areas in life concerning helping others in need, whatever the need. I know myself and several like others older than me born before the dates you state. How woo woo or accepted as dependable is this now considered would you say? Best of everything, always and all ways. It is usuallypurple with markings of ocher or a crystalcolor. 12. Just know that you should always trust your intuition and everything that you face and see was just meant for you. . You have the ability to tell when someone is being truthful and when someone is telling lies or hiding the truth. You dont inherently respect authority. I always knew I was different but after a NDE at age 26 , it all started coming back to me. Do not be afraid of the society rise up! Indigo children have advanced emotions. They are so attuned to inner-self that every feeling that bubbles to the surface feels more potent than it does for others. Thanks to their existence, more and more people are waking up and finding the freedom that is already here, deep within. Our highschool was extremely lenient and we often wore costumes to school. My meditations have become so intense at times that they scare me, the sounds that I hear and the things that flash in my minds eye are inexplicable. To me these children are the answers to the prayers we all have for peace, Doreen Virtue told the New York Times back in 2006, when the indigo children phenomenon was around the height of its fame. Learning Mind has over 50,000 email subscribers and more than 1,5 million followers on social media. Im 20 but I started my awakening when I was really young. I live more at peace now with all the information Ive had to process through the years. 10 Questions - Developed by: Stacey MacDonald. This desire to bring the truth to light seems to be written into the indigo childs DNA. To those individuals, you will effortlessly be known. Whatever emotion you are feeling in the current moment, you feel it fully. You easily get scared by horror movies. Sorry to be picky but we never stop learning as I found with your lovely article. Truth is a very important virtue to you because that is what you stand for. Dont waste your breath trying to explain yourself or your feelings. Indigo children are commonly diagnosed with ADHD. You feel as though youve lived many lifetimes, and possess a wisdom that others your age dont yet have. I am an Alpha Indigo. Yes I am highly unique and a freak who defies the norm and will show you that the impossible is actually very possible and dont tell me it cant be done because I will show you a way that it can be done. Never ignore anything that you see , here or feel. Chances are, you could be one. I keep a low profile because I will not try to get rich from these abilities, and do not rally want to be known. 574 Likes, 45 Comments - Light worker- Star seed- Indigo Child (@chitopiaaa) on Instagram: "How tall do you think I am? Our nectar is found in a different flower though, Im not going to claim what I am, I know I am unique and freakishly good at everything I have a go at mastering tasks in an extremely quick timing. As spiritually gifted old souls, indigo children find it hard to fit into mainstream society and often become misunderstood, rejected, or misdiagnosed and medicated. I am also an Omega Indigo! Some Indigo's might tone their messages down as a result (I know I have, unless you know me well, even so, I find myself continually thinking 'why am I always the bad person' even though I know I haven't been 'bad' I've been honest and shared some profound wisdom with somebody who doesn't appreciate it yet). Below I have included a list of seventeen authentic signs. Start here . Finally, indigo children are a blessing to the world. Rules were made to be broken in the advent of need to be more efficient and productive without following systems that are not any of that. Indigo children are identified because they are born with more empathy than past generations. Greed and the dark are very hard to fight, this is why you have the light in and around you. We recognize their continued connection to the land and waters of this beautiful place and acknowledge that they never ceded sovereignty. or even just that theyre a bit imaginative and weird. Hello. So, you may be guilty of sometimes drifting away to work on your plans or goals. I also have 2 beautiful starseed children. Julia is the founder of The Spirit Nomad and helps lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Everything that happens is just a learning curve to get back to your way. I especially enjoyed the post stating that if we turn our compassion & empathy inward our Light, will shine. Some . - Traits, Personality, Characteristics. Whether it be drawing, dancing, singing, building,painting, writing or crafting, you love creative self-expression. Indigo children are often said to possess a strong intuition. I still learning about it all, but I have nobody I can talk about it anybody knows a group, or support, people can share their experiences and teach one another? I seem to have indigo qualities but was born five years before the Alpha wave. If you can recall the lengths we had to go just to find this place then you know why its close to my heart. So they are wrongly labeled as rebels who cause trouble for no reason. As a child my dad always said there she goes again, off with the fairies he would say as i drifted off into another world of reality as i hear a voice speaking to me or a random song play or a smell triggering some vision like movie inside my head. 6 Keys to a Happy Life Most People Neglect, The Power of Misfits: How to Find Your Place in a World You Dont Fit In, 1984 Quotes about Control That Are Scarily Relatable to Our Society, 10 Signs of Negative Energy in a Person to Pay Attention to, 6 Things to Do Before the New Year to Make Your Life Better. For them to be successful, they have to be somewhat self-directed. Thank you. As precocious truth tellers, child and adult indigos cant help but see through the bullshit facades of other people and expose them. Indigos live with purpose. I dont feel lonely when Im alone but brained and empty and lonely when Im in public. You know that the purpose of your existence is to bring about positive change to the people around you and the world at large. They all, without exception, have a blue aura. As an indigo child, you are drawn towards truth in its purest form not diluted by dogma or fundamentalist teachings. Felt spiritually apart. One of the New Age theorists is Ms. Nancy Ann Tappe, who worked on the Indigo generations in an almost scientific manner and divided them intofive categories according to the date of birth of these children. Indigo children are sensitive, curious, independent, open-minded and artistic. You are rarely satisfied with things as they are, and so you always seek improvement. Your gift is not for personal fulfillment but for all humanity. Even if other people criticize or dont support you, you still keep going no matter what.

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i am an indigo child now what