american community survey refusal 2021

american community survey refusal 2021

No way was I going to submit that kind of info. ), What in the world is wrong with you people? As us Cajuns say: Hell froze over when the Saints won the Super Bowl last season. Last Updated on January 20, 2023 4:42 PM, subject to fines of up to $5,000 per question. 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) Census region x Metro/Non-metro 2020 CPS March Supplement Volunteerism 2021 American Trends Panel Annual Profile Survey/2019 CPS Volunteering & Civic Life Supplement . The census collectors or enumerators can ask for some sensitive and detailed information, such as salary or income. In 1960, the gap was . This all happened while I was watching from my porch. We just got the letter today, to expect the questionnaire. So why would the government hire a company such as ACS to dig into our lives? Then I received the long form, ignored it and received another long form which I also ignored. me. LOL. No one from the Census has ever said they would come back with the sheriff - the sheriff would simply laugh at them if they ever asked. this stupid stupid government and all its crap we have been harassed over and over and over and today again. We are still Americans and do not need to share personal information against our will. I asked who he was and he attempted to open the screen door. I informed my employer that I will not answer the ACS, that I filled out the Census, and that is all they get. --JAS. I intend to scan the thing and email it to everyone I know, plus my congressman and senators. Look it up. I want to know how long these temp workers are going to be employed? The $5,000.00 fines referenced in section 3571 are post conviction fines that only apply to an individual who has been charged and convicted of a crime defined in section 3559. Neither one of us filled it out, nor mailed it in. When I mentioned the threat of a fine to the last caller she seemed horrified that I would accuse her of that and went out of the way to state that she didn't bring it up. on the back it says dec 31 2011 is when approval from OMB expires. My husband and I run a small trucking company, and we received a census form for the business. You send it in it could become public information. They are the ones making the money tax free - not me. Wow. I will not submit. Anyway, i thought i would turn it into something funny and started a blog. In addition, some point to the possibility of human error as a security concern over such personal and confidential information. They insisted that the ACS did not receive it and wanted the information again. The present state of affairs is a direct result of our collective ignorance. The government is doing nothing wrong! With identity theft on the rise, many are concerned. It is also known that the Bureau inadvertently posted sensitive information of over 300 innocent citizens. My family has found past census information to be very valuable in genealogical research. I said, what makes you think I'm going to turn over my personal information to a total stranger knocking on my door. I told them they were barking up the wrong tree and they need to follow the U.S. Now they called again and wanted to ask these questions over the phone. American will also allow most passengers barred from flying for mask noncompliance "to resume travel at some point in time," Gatten said in an earnings call on Thursday. I sure am glad I ran across this site. the simple census form I got had another insert in which they claim that "answers are confidential" and "answers you give cannot be obtained by law enforcement or tax collection agencies" and "your answers cannot be used in court" or obtained through a FOIA request. March 01, 2023 Severe maternal morbidity (SMM) is defined as unexpected outcomes of labor and delivery that result in significant short- or long-term consequences to a person's health, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We have starving, homelessness, government corruption. 12286: Don't worry, and don't respond. The Rutherford Institute has received hundreds of inquiries from individuals who have received the ACS and are not comfortable sharing such private, intimate details with the government or are unsettled by the aggressive tactics utilized by Census Bureau agents seeking to compel responses to ACS questions. They would have to take you to court, and they haven't done that EVER. They will report any threats or harassment (allegedly), so be careful how you respond to them. To support any of this is not like killing, it is killing your neighbor, your dog, your wife, your kids and your kids' kids - maybe slowly and with pretty lights and shiny trinkets, but it is. If that thing were to get lost or some person where I mailed it, there's a lot of things that I don't want them to have. It's not good politics. Well, after many different phone calls, starting with the one on the census form, I still do not have an address to where to send the $100. (This is about 10:02 a.m. which is very early in my world since I work from noon till 9 p.m. The reality appears to be that recipients can refuse to comply. This is proof that the government of the USA is anything but the servant that it was created to be. they have called me several times and asked what I did with it. I made the mistake of putting my phone number on the form. The Institutes mission is twofold: to provide legal services in the defense of civil liberties and to educate the public on important issues affecting their constitutional freedoms. I will not comply. The law does not say you have to answer their questions (so don't). Just weeks before a COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be made available to U.S. medical workers and first responders, a firefighters' union internal survey taken by members of the country's largest . Got this survey in the mail and opened it and started reading the questions and couldn't believe it I was so pissed off, it's really none of their business. Proud to be American but wondering where we will be as a nation in ten years? Comparing the American Community Survey and the Population Estimates Program (February 17, 2021) Coordinator: Welcome and thank you for standing by. Be advised that no matter how intensive your efforts become, nor what kind of fine, penalty, prosecution or imprisonment you may wish to threaten, I, as a free American citizen, will not allow any agency of this government to demand, under penalty of law, that I disclose private and personal information about the members of my household. I even gave them the date I mailed it on. The percentage of household income spent on rent plus utilities increased from 2019 to 2021 and renters with the lowest annual income saw the largest spikes. I will not answer the questions on the American Community Survey and we all have the right and the duty to stand up against this intrusion. Thank you for creating this site and letting me know that I am not alone with receiving these and answering them. We're starved after working all day on our house renovation. I thought the purpose of census was for representation purposes. Whats next from our GOVERNMENT; the police saying your papers please? After the first couple of letters I received I started getting harassing phone calls from them. Read the Constitution. If you don't care about america and freedom then you stand by and say nothing when you see tyranny, then congrats. On the first occasion, the guy produced a badge and said he would like to come in and talk to me. I didn't hear from them for about two weeks. What is the North American Industry Classification System? I hung up immediately and called the sheriff. Thus, information obtained through the ACS is not simply used to inform government policy in a neutral manner, but is also being provided to private actors for the purpose of promoting corporate and/or political agendas. Hard to believe they did not receive it or they lost it. DP03 SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS. Anything more is intrusive. DATA SUPPLIED BY. I've been in some pretty terrifying situations and I don't scare that easily. I say, "I don't care who you are. Person 22. A: The ACS contains questions that go far beyond typical census questions about the number of individuals within the household and their age, race, and sex. I answered the questions on the Census that are Constitutional, and that is it. Read our FAQs or call us for more help with the survey. Well, our credit cards, social security numbers, and who knows what else, are now being used by illegal aliens and fraudulent companies. 2d 570, 572 (N.D. With a president and congress that constantly lie about everything, how do they expect me to believe that the information on the Census form is truly confidential? How much do I make per year? If you got grilled before then they are trying to find out the change in your situation over time. Since direct taxes must be apportioned based on population, an enumeration is needed to determine the percentage of tax for each state. 7) Get the left wing indoctrination crew out of our education systems. For our government to function basic knowledge about the country as a whole, and individual states is required. We have always taught him not to talk to people he does not know and never give out information. They have to get past the doorman first. The plan to use lap tops to do the door to door counts for non-respondents has already been junked. I'm sorry you feel the need to spread such fear and lies. The latest thing they are doing is having the postal carrier come to my door and have me sign a delivery confirmation. [36] Florida v. Royer, 460 U.S. 491, 498 (1983). Don't know if it's the "bureau" calling or not, but I'm ready for them. This is such an invasion of privacy. If I receive the same treatment again, I may consider filing a class action lawsuit. what is this country coming to? Suggestions include "With whom did you last have a sexual encounter and when and where did this take place? I guess all the info requested I am OK with. [11] Wow this there are so many ignorant people here! As long as there are enough people who didn't fill out the census? With two teen daughters, I don't want anyone having any extra information. I'm fed up with the ACS and all their nosing in my business. We need to take our country back. Pericles, 460BC. Subscribe to our newsletter and learn something new every day. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. If you give them a little info they will keep at you until you give in. I never thought at age 47 that I would ever see our country go this far the the left. They aren't the enemy, so I don't act hostile towards them, but it still unnerves me how they got my cell phone number. [16] The IRS has all my income info, and frankly, it'd take me hours to look up all the financial info they want (monthly mortgage, gas, electric, utility bills.) We should not have to fear such "power hungry, and commission-crazy animals! Especially after reading the comments on this page. Optimize Your Non-Profit with Census Data. She stated that her supervisor sent her back out. Thank you, wonderful conspiracy theorists for repeatedly posting erroneous information on here and showing everyone that you truly have no life. It's supposed to be confidential. Movies. Thetwo statutes at most give the Defendants the authority to conduct a post-census statistical adjustment to ensure the accuracy of the decennial Census, the suit argues. For instance, the ACS asks about the acreage of your property and any agricultural sales from the property,[7] your ancestry,[8] your citizenship status,[9] your daily commute (including when your leave home and how long it takes to get to work),[10] the computing devices you own,[11] the fertility of women in the household,[12] the fuel used to heat your house,[13] the number of rooms in your house,[14] and the year in which your house was built. Years ago someone told me that the information can be used in a book (that may or may not be in your library) that is published showing where you work, how long you lived at your residence, etc. When I saw the personal and invasive nature of recent Census, I was irate. If that's so, why is there a space for your name, date of birth and so much other identifying information that a blind man could identify the author of the answers. I am an American! don't let this happen! While there is no specific wording in the Bill of Rights regarding the rights of privacy. They must have found it because I heard no more but neither did I get an apology. Plaintiffs declarations also do not support a finding they were subject to a genuine threat of imminent prosecution.. That includes visitors then which would not be falsifying info. Horrible, and a total violation of my rights across the board. We told a census worker to come back on Friday at 6 p.m. anon 77369: It is incorrect to say that you are required to respond. Back in 2003 or so we also received a very long census questionnaire, with information I did not want to publish. A concerned citizen. For example, in 2013 after the 2010 census, Florida gained two seats in the House, while New York lost two. Keep up the good fight! Title OFFICIAL ADDRESS TELEPHONE Number City State ZIP Code FAX . They are a toothless tiger. I put up with some minor harassment and then after a few weeks it stopped. I don't recall giving my cell phone out on the first census nor my customer number at my work, but she has called both. ), vacated sub nom. If someone knows where in the constitution it states this, please share. I am a patriot. Mailed it in. Do you have a debit card, credit card, a loan, a job, own a house, a car, driver's license? He gave his name and the number of people living here and refused to answer anything else. I tried to assure her that this indeed was not a prank but she was too busy being rude and just kept talking, finally telling me to call my senator, which I did. Washington and California residents have filed a proposed class action in which they object to being asked to participate in the American Community Survey, which enquires about certain demographic details more specific than those central to the decennial Census. What Percent of the US Population do Doctors Comprise? anon77096: Why would anybody want federal funding for anything? She said actually it's mandatory. I have little doubt that the ACS data is already in Israel's possession. Then we have to vote them out. The census taker left a note me a note today. There also is a 16-page guide that contains instructions on answering the questions. Confidentiality? I had the misfortune of getting an ACS survey a few years ago. I actually worked for the Census in 1970. this is absurd. Methodology Statement: 2015-2019 American Community Survey MARCH 2021 6 with populations greater than 65,000) requires a 12-month sample. If they want more personal financial information, then I suggest they get it from the IRS. how the hell does she know me and what i look like, she's never been to our door yet. Someone brought up a good point, either here or on another forum. I have the kind of front door that has a small window near the top and if people stand on their toes they can peek into my living room. --Paul. What we have here is a violation of HIPAA. And, based on the Census, Virginia had 30 percent of the population of the United States. It's those times that make the job really enjoyable because I share their pride. Let me get this straight: we cannot ask an illegal alien for papers because of racial profiling but we can try to force american citizens to fill out the ACS which has profiling information in every question? To sign up for updates please enter your email address. If the federal government had been granted the general power to make inquires into the private affairs of the American people through the Census or a congressional mandated survey, then the Supreme Court could not have made this ruling. We then engaged in a bit of "palaver" in which she said that they can require us to answer any question they want because "it's in the Constitution". It is most effective when analysts can see the relationship between various types of criminal incidents (e.g., homicides, drug dealing) and neighborhood characteristics (risk factors such as poverty, population density, and vacant housing), pinpoint where crimes are most likely to occur (hot spots), and focus police resources accordingly.[27] The Brookings Institute notes that because the ACS provides data every year, rather than every ten years, crime mapping is more effective and cheaper. I, too, have been harassed by the Census Bureau. This person has stopped to "chat" with the neighbors, asking who lives in our home, how many people, what their names are, what our schedules are. A: The American Community Survey, a questionnaire produced by the Census Bureau, not only asks about the number of persons in a household but also asks a broad range of questions about the activities of the people living in the household. I am grateful for this siteI just got the survey in the mail and felt very intimidated into having to complete it.or else. About a month ago (August 2010) I received my first ACS phone inquiry. This "business" and "government" is not happiness. Unfortunately, the guy probably already knew the answers to some of the questions. There is an actual law on the books, but that law has never been applied. That this money is funding from the government, which makes it socialism. What I find interesting is that when I visit a home of an immigrant they are almost excited to give me whatever information I ask for. This is how those rich people are rich, those "powerful" people are "powerful", and those happy people are happy. * Compared to other measured TV manufacturers in the 2022 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) survey of customers. I told that I had already fulfilled my Constitutional duties as a citizen with my mailed-in short form, and then told her the ACS and her harassment of me in my home is unconstitutional. 0 Total panelists in the survey 11,699 Completed interviews I 10,417 Partial interviews P 0 A couple were friendly; one sounded very "authoritative" and intimidating. If you are a business person you could benefit from having accurate demographic information for the United States. I filed my taxes, all the information they feel they need to know is there. Moreover, Title 13 of the U.S. Code allows for monetary penalties only when the ACS's inquiries are within the scope of questions included in the complete census, and only if the Secretary has

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american community survey refusal 2021