neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr

neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr

-You can have live plants in the room.Especially cacti. 2)Their parents may have been of different nationalities.Their house often had guests. So a person with Neptune in the 1st House either has the tendency to be an active dreamer who is always lost in her own inner world or she is always seeking a higher meaning for life. They stand out - they look different and can captivate others very easily. 5)You distribute your opportunities correctly and are a good employee. Saturn in the 1st house .With a melancholic and tired gaze, with a tendency to walk stopped and that peculiar way of contemplating their surroundings and the people close to them, these natives seem to be always alert and suspicious of the true intentions of other people. 4)They have excellent artistic abilities and good taste. 15)In addition,the good aspects indicate a straightforward and honest person.If the Moon in Scorpio feels lies at the level of intuition,then the Moon in Sagittarius is just picky about words,so dont lie to them,it is useless. 12)Sun Pisces love to sleep,and sleep loves them:). 5)They look confidently into the future,having decided to do something,but they are also firm in their decision.They dont particularly follow established traditions and dont care what society thinks of their actions.They have a frank and independent nature,quickly come to anger and quickly forgive. 2)A mixture of creative freedom and discipline.Such people understand that inspiration comes when they want to.They perform their work conscientiously,can work in their specialty,and have good relations with their boss and colleagues. 5)8th house is responsible for the inheritance,so you will most likely receive it from your distant relatives,or from the person from whom you didnt expect. 1)You love competitions,arguments and adventures.If you are the captain of the team,then you will definitely win.You are able to maintain team spirit and you are comfortable working in a friendly team. 5)Your father was a unique person, different from other people, or unpredictable in dealing with you. The woman with Neptune in the 1st House will be very sentimental and deeply attached to her loved ones. Neptune in the 1st House Man These men are creative. 3)Hes friends with all sorts of people.Nationality,level of education and status in society are not important here.The main thing is to have common hobbies,aspirations and desires. limits for the 1st houses flaming instincts. Something significant may have had appeared in their childhood which caused the child to grow too soon and as an adult now the child within is suppressed down to the subconscious. 1)This position indicates the presence of any talent.With proper development,natural abilities can bring him a good income. you're welcome these people were talked about a lot in school attracts a lot of hate from the same gender and attracts a lot of attention from the opposite probably doesn't get along with their mother figure attracted to people who have pluto traits/aspects some of them can't take criticism, they feel like they're getting attacked; but mostly because they've encountered a lot of . 1)Very often I notice that their friend later becomes a partner.So take a closer look at your group of friends:). 1)A person likes peace and solitude.He is shy in terms of feelings and rarely shows them openly. Neptune in the first house may be described as a man that is gentle, unprepossessing, unconventional and capable of great self-sacrifice. 4)Good aspects create a kind of shield around the person,he is safe in any difficult situations.Bad aspects give even more problems to a person,and in what areas of life?You need to look at the planets that form the aspects. 5)They know how to work in competition.In life(with bad aspects),almost all people are seen as enemies.Maybe there was some kind of psychological trauma. looking within than by avoiding quietness. 4)They literally feel the money,intuition saves them from bad deals. Neptune conjunct the ascendant can make you look like a Pisces rising. 8)They can motivate themselves.My sister in this position often calms herself down and says,Oh,well,this shit is temporary,Ill be fine.How do you do it?? Love can be spiritual and telepathic, as well as unique to them alone. They are unsure of who they are and what their role is on this planet. They will not take revenge, chill. 4)A large number of aspects indicate that he is loved by people and has a pleasant appearanceand voice. There is a tendency for uncertainty in spiritual affairs. 5)When bad aspects with Venus can indicate a womanizer. You are going to be a charmer who lives life on the edge. 2)Prone to seeing strange dreams and nightmares.Often suffers from insomnia,may end up in a dream or under anesthesia. It is stated in Astro Codex that "Saturn in the 1st House does not grant beauty to the native's body," and it tends to give a short body. If you have Neptune in the first house, you are deeply compassionate and it may be hard for others to see that your motives are genuine. 1)You are very sensitive to the topic of money and probably want to have more of it than you have now.You reach out to people who already have money or obviously want wealth. some advice to this moon it would be: there is more than what meets Neptune Through The Houses. 5)You are a sensual and passionate nature.You flirt well,which makes you even more attractive. You may have been separated from it, either literally or figuratively. 3)In general,they like art and fashion,but they also pay great attention to their personality.They like to improve,they appreciate criticism. * the closer to your ascendant, the more potent any 1st house planet's energy will be. 5)With bad aspects,such people tend to be picky and grumpy. 5)Such people really change their appearance for the better every year. 1)Sometimes indicates problems with speech. 5)The good aspects point to the comfortable and favorite work of humans.It works not only for money,but also for pleasure.He is proud of himself and his position. This individual will be fascinated with anything spiritual and metaphysical, even if they themselves do not follow a particular spiritual philosophy or religion. -Often a child can not live in the same apartment or house with his mother,because his mother is constantly trying to bring a person out of balance,harmony with her living energy. I'm also capricorn sun and scorpio moon :) how do you experience those two interacting/influencing each other? Capricorn: this moon They put people they love It is easier for them to be there for others than to basics - signs. 7)Something about their appearance stands out very much and is great.Very often they have a round face or plump lips. 5)He speaks very calmly,logically and pragmatically. 4)They are very friendly and compassionate.They can be the people to talk to and cry to. 5)He loves romance.He likes courtship.On the first date to the extent they are flirting and internally evaluate a potential partner. 5)Romance may appeal,but you dont trust it.What you crave is security,tangible support,and reliable love. 3)Negative aspects indicate short temper and stubbornness.Such people argue for the sake of argument.Positive aspects indicate fairness.Such a person is interested in the opinions of other people and tries to expand their knowledge. He is a former member of the Branwen Tribe as well as a former teacher at Signal Academy. 4)I noticed that people in this position have unusual facial features.For example,they have thick or unruly hair, freckles,or a sly and strong look.Most often they are high. chenle. Dismiss This placement may generally make the native liable to be drawn into others people opinions and will dare to challenge others ideas. This placement may generally make the native liable to be drawn into other's people opinions and will dare to challenge other's ideas. He is an idealist, who avoids materialistic things and often focuses on spirituality. -Unlike Moon Cancer it is much easier for them to control their feelings. 5)They value honesty and realism.They dont like to think much about philosophical things. 3)He may have an unpleasant experience in a relationship.For example,he had a toxic partner or an affair. 4)He was used to acting quickly and confidently towards others.Sometimes he shows excessive pressure and strong-willed influence,which is perceived negatively by others.With soft and sensitive people,such a person is not on the way. 2)Most of all,he does not like to borrow or lend,and if this happens,the subject tries to restore the monetary balance by all means. 2)Their main goal is not money and career growth.It is more important for them to get satisfaction from achievements and results in order to feel happy. neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr. scorpio x aquarius = 7/10 Your name, title, and any other unique words you (and others) use to identify you. The sky is changing with swift-moving clouds; birds fly quickly (Art: Ixion Thrown into Hades by Jules-lie Delaunay), could you do a post about the mtl aggressive Mars signs? 1st house; first impression, physical appearance and body, self, approach to thoughts and acts 2nd house; self-esteem, financies, approach to money, values 3rd house; all forms of communication (writing, talking etc.) -You may have fought as a child or often argued with other children. 1)They like to take care of themselves.They tend to buy beautiful clothes,high-quality cosmetics and monitor their health. Aries Sun/Moon/Rising/Chart Ruler, Mars in 1st, Mars Dominant, Mars conjunct Ascendant: Thick hair, may have reddish undertones. Someone with Neptune here might be content to live simply but share their dreams through writing or teaching, for example. 3)Very tolerant and versatile person.You can discuss literally everything with him.he may not read much,but he knows a lot.HOW? 3)In the negative aspect,Mars makes a person conflicted,aggressive.In a positive aspect,it indicates success.His career is very important to him.But family and personal relationships often take a back seat. The house placement of your natal Neptune shows where you are elusive or idealistic, whether you mean to be or not! -In a relationship,moderately romantic,such a person remembers what his partner likes,important dates, and just tries to do everything possible for the relationship.A small clarification-these people are very self-respecting,but with bad aspects with the higher planets,their partners may be toxic,and the Taurus will not suspect this. 1)They are prone to reckless spending,they can spend their entire salary on a certain thing that they literally fell in love"with. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. taurus x cancer = 10/10 ribbons and jewels. want to make a difference. 3)This person is very fair,calm and tactful.In communication,he seeks to create comfort.If a topic is unpleasant to him,he will say it directly. 1)Good aspects indicate a happy marriage.People love and understand each other.They are very similar. When it comes to morals, you may have a tendency to question what is right or wrong. 4)You are attracted to socially active people.You often support your partner in their endeavors and strongly inspire,rarely jealous. An afflicted Neptune can make one lose touch with reality and live in a dream world, or develop addictions to mind-altering substances. 3)Sometimes indicates occult abilities.If there are favorable aspects,then be careful with the words that you say.Your insults can come back to you in the form of illnesses or other serious problems.Better not hold a grudge for your own good. -They like constant changes in the house.They may rarely move,but they like to make frequent repairs or rearrange furniture. 2)With good aspects and a sign of the planet,their spouse has a high social status,a good financial situation and has real estate. And not are versatile and easy going. By interacting with it, you have learned the need to stand firmly on your own two feet, not depend on anyone, and this imprint has formed one of the basic attitudes to life that you will follow as an adult. Big, soulful eyes with long lashes, a wide smile, and a soft round face. 1)Such people often hide their feelings and attachments. What Do You Think is the Strangest Placement in the Astrological Chart? indifferent. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. 3)They like foreign things,and what exactly the house will show.For example,the Moon in Sagittarius in the 2nd house doesnt mind trying different national dishes of the world.The Moon in Sagittarius in the 6th house likes to learn foreign languages,books or music.The Moon in Sagittarius has its own aesthetic that only they can understand. They may also have a heightened sense of compassion and involvement with others, as they intuitively sense what others need. 1)You have good friends who will help you with advice or financial assistance.You are sociable and have several groups of friends(but look at the house). 2)He will make a very good teacher.Not only does he have a broad outlook,but he is also very respectful of other peoples opinions.He is not stubborn and likes to constantly learn and develop. 4)Monitor the health of the genitals.Avoid fire and cutting objects and treat wounds carefully. 5)You are attracted to smart and modern people.Your partner will teach you something new.Sometimes indicates that their partner works in the field of technology or science. They can be irritable and moody, but not usually. They can be visionaries and are highly compassionate towards others. 6)For such people,it is very important that people support them when they feel bad.When they cry and say that everything is bad,it means that EVERYTHING is REALLY BAD.Just say that they are very important to you and list how many good things they have done in their lifetime.They need attention,no matter how much they deny it. -Can love retro things.For example,old Chanel collections(but look at the sign of Venus). Quick Funeral Home Obituaries Bennettsville, South Carolina. People with this placement might also attract a lot of Mercury energy into their relationships - from these energies, a karmic bond is established good or bad. You will be aware of your own power; in effect, you will have an intuitive sense of your destiny. 1)The person lived in comfortable conditions.Either he had a very nice house,or he had good food.They often had visitors.Their parents loved each other very much. 4)Excellent speakers,they are able to win the attention of the public and be the center of attention.They speak clearly and beautifully. -Sometimes their mothers paid little attention to the future of their child(education or work). 3)I noticed that this is the type of people who learn beautifully.They have beautiful pens,notebooks,markers and even handwriting.Beauty inspires and motivates them. Although she will tend to have less focus and concentration as she tends to drift through life, this can be advantageous for her as she may be able to win people over through her charming yet vague demeanor. This placement lends a certain romanticism or idealism to the overall personality, and can place an individual at times in a fantasy-like world. Question: The information I have gathered thus far on Uranus in the 1st house includes the following: "You exude an electrically charged aura that, depending on the person, can be invigorating or alarming since you represent the attributes of Uranus. This happens because he lacks confidence and always feels anxious. 5)Good aspects give a person a friendly energy.People want to meet them,pay attention to them.Their money is reliable and sometimes grows.

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neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr