hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

German East Asias railway national focus now builds railways. Tweaked the location of Greek victory points. Fixed Mittelafrikas Restore British Self Rule national focus not releasing the Gold Coast. Nerfed Manchu Qings Unifying Emperor and Mandate of Heaven national spirits. Burma no longer tries to annex all of Siam. Ukraine may now use a different map colour depending on its government type. Non-core states now give only 2% towards the unit limits, instead of 5%. Removed the compliance gained when seizing Alaska. If a Legation Council member ends up at war with the Legation Cities, they are removed from the Council. Added advisor descriptions to all American Civil War participants. For the Ottomans, states that are turned into vilayets later don't get upgraded by shifting power to the provincial assemblies. Fixed Nicaragua losing its core on Matagalpa. The "Crush The Anti-France'" national spirit for the Kingdom of France now also has a weekly stability minor debuff. The United Kingdoms Legacy of the Revolution national spirit no longer reduces weekly stability. Renamed the Manchurian and Xinjiang strategic regions. Added general descriptions for Fengtians Yu Zhishan and Zou Zuohua. Fixed a Nicaraguan decision unlocking a division template that was not owned. Added a workaround for puppets being unable to call their own puppets into wars (the actual bug can only be fixed by Paradox). Giving Germany a Haitian naval base will now give them docking rights. Improved the effect of Romanias New National Veins railway national spirit. Naval strikes are no longer better than having a navy. Fixed Austria getting Danubian annexation missions. For Sweden, the event which features Gyllenkrok dying will now fire immediately, so that he does not appear to lead the country while already being dead. The Ottoman Renaissance idea now applies to all possible revolters. Fixed Suez not counting as part of Egypt for the Ottoman centralisation mechanic. Mongolias AI has been tweaked so it makes better decisions in its first year and isnt so self-destructive. Embargoes are now properly cleared when a country goes socialist. Mittelafrika can now get licenses from Germany for free. Fixed a broken Federalist China railway-building national focus. Fixed Transamurs missing leader descriptions for Spiridon Merkulov, Grigory Semyonov and Boris Shumyatsky. Removed the scripted localisation for the Halifax Conference tooltip. Made Liepaja the provisional capital of Latvia, as events refer it to be. Removed starting hidden ship technologies. Fixed puppet Boer South Africa keeping the Governor-General. Fixed an AI factor for Netherlands defensive focus. Increased the infrastructure gain from Austrias Electrifying the Sdbahn national focus. Fixed the Legation Cities not properly joining the Entente, if the latter is not led by Canada. AuthDem Flanders-Wallonia and Flanders now have puppet leaders. Japan's allies can now refuse to cede dockyards. Upgraded various German naval weapon systems. Removed an unneeded date trigger for South Africa. Buffed the effects of several Commune of France military national foci. Renamed the Revolutionary Ideological Group to Socialist. Adjusted the Franco-Italian border to match the pre-1947 line. Converted the factories that were given freely in Paraguayan national foci into instead become available through decisions. France now attacks Belgium and the Netherlands together. We also apply it to the player for balance reasons: if the AI has division limits but a player doesnt, the difference in difficulty (particularly for major nations) is profound. Fixed Lhagvasuren retaining Ossendowsky's description. Added an event for the Georgian conquest of Lazistan. Added Angin Mamiri and Bengawan Solo for Insulindia. Poland now is denied access into the Moscow Accord, if Russia is Expansionist. Leonas Bistras is no longer mentioned in the Lithuanian events that can be triggered after his retirement. Fixed Iraq, Syria and Egypt cancelling their own League of Arab States. Buffed Revolutionary ideas for ANQ/SQI/CHI to 200% and included targeted buffs for the other tags not just LEP. Argentinas "Domestic Aircraft Manufactories" national focus now provides an air designer. Added some new terrain images for Giza, Harbin, Ipoh, Nanning and Toyohara. Added a news event for Wilhelm IIs death. Assyria no longer joins the Entente before winning their starting war. Peacefully annexing an Italian nation will now add their generals/admirals to the annexers roster. The Left Kuomintang now gets a claim on Tawang in the Renounce the McMahon Lines national focus, if they already own the state itself. Added a leader description for Tibets Huang Musong. Fixed Germany starting with cruiser submarines but not the tech. Added a check for killing the Portuguese king. Fixed Russias Kirill not becoming Tsar properly. Reordered the PLC tree a bit and prevented it from frequently being locked out of its foreign policy tree, Dvinsk is now properly given to the baltic states in annexations when owned, Ukraine should no longer send all of its units to Germany when the RP is at war, Hopefully fixed Russia being inundated with strikes forever, Fixed the partition of Ukraine between Poland and DKB firing if DKB does not exist. Fixed Tripolitania changing ideology as a puppet. Overhauled the AIs behaviour with occupation laws. Decreased the amount of Tripolitanian troops. The decision, when used, will also increase the compliance rating in UoB states, PNG tag added for Papua New Guinea, as well as annexation decision, National France and Germany-in-Exile now recruit European spies, even though they are located in Africa. The Aral Sea is no longer part of the Khorezm state. Fixed the Bulgarian release event not firing correctly, if the country is at war with the IMRO. Tweaked and added supply hubs in Arabia, Kachin, Central Asia and Ukraine. Fixed a bug being unable to properly release Chile in certain circumstances. 1.9 is here! Fixed a case of an aircraft carrier not being able to be refitted. Added state development decisions for Chile. Fixed a number of flavour events not firing for South Africa. Fixed the event that fires upon the breaking of the Halifax Conference deal firing multiple times. Made the conditions for Brazil joining a faction more transparent. Fixed several event chains involving artists in National France. Added new ideas and buffs to the QIE Zhili and Manchu trees that greatly increase the economic and military abilities of the tag. Union of Britain - oil prospecting decisions. Fixed Romania losing its coalition on a re-election, and a modifier too small to have any effect. Fixed King George staying around in a socialist Greece. Fixed the Greek Monarchy Referendum game rule bypassing the mechanic when Greece is controlled by the player. Fixed the French Republic trying to annex Brittany twice. Slightly tweaked some national focuses for the AutDem path for the Italian Republic. Left Kuomintang Liangguang can now get Song Qingling as an advisor. Changed the effect of a Finnish national spirit. Syria now gains Yusuf al-Azma as a Field Marshal through their focus tree. Independent Estonia and Lithuania can now choose to join the faction if it has been formed. Fixed the event for Puerto Rico's statehood assuming Alaska and Hawaii are already states. Increased the requirements for Germany to remove the Quenched Militarism national spirit. Fixed revolter Siam losing its green colour upon winning the civil war. Reduced the exile population in Canada from 1.5 million to ~700 thousand. Fixed RKMT Lianguang not joining RKMT Yunnan's faction if Yunnan had formed a faction earlier. Fixed Henry Arnold, Harry Hill and George Marshall not using their correct general descriptions in the Pacific States. Fixed German East Asias decision to reintegrate Indochina being invisible. Patagonia - Foreign policy decisions for Baldomerstas South American Socialist States faction. Azerbaijan no longer joins the Ottoman Empires faction during the War in the Desert - it will only declare war on Persia separately. you can change the text inside this: " " Decreased the likelihood for Romania to annex Alfld. Warring tags present at the unification conference may be asked to end their wars by Zhang Zuolin. Fixed countries not being able to hand over Taiwan or Manchuria to Chinese puppets. Updated several strategic regions and air zones worldwide. If Canada intervenes on behalf of an ACW faction, and that faction uses its decision to concentrate on a front for 90 days, Canada also receives the beneficial 90-day modifier. Fixed Isuzu being available for Legation Cities, even if Japan is kicked out. Fixed the French Republic being able to have a few people as Heads of State and advisors at the same time. Removed most uses of the Bearer of Artillery trait, to be replaced with the KR-specific Artillery Officer trait. Fixed Jezavitau still being available as Chief of Staff in White Ruthenia, despite defecting. Fixed the former Entente member flag not being cleared in the rare instance where the Entente collapses more than once. Added descriptions to the Yemeni states, for the Ottoman interface. Whereas a complete country requires the chosen tag to be declared in the vanilla file in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_tags, a cosmetic tag is completely dynamic in this sense and scripting the tag is not required.The tag is also not required to be of 3 characters, but spaces should . Slightly rebalanced Russias starting infrastructure, industry and resources. Once open, type set_ruling_party X. Added improved tooltips to the Second Continental Navy and Revolutionary Navy national focuses for the CSA. Egypt's German focus now bypasses if unavailable. Fixed RadSoc Liangguang not getting their correct map colour. Romania now immediately joins the Serbian war against Austria if in the Pact. Adjusted the probabilities so that it is now less rare for Burma to become socialist. Tibet and Mongolia will now return any parts of China Proper they own if they join the Federalists. Russia can now core Cernui and Stanislaww. Fixed the Left Kuomintang Totalists being able to pursue democracy. Fixed the Commune of France attacking the CSA over socialist Hawaii. Increased the time on the DKAEB bailout mission for both Ethiopia and Mittelafrika to make it slightly less punishing in timing. Ukraine's troops are now teleported out of the Reichspakt if they rebel. The United States of Yugoslavia now have a unique flag. Socialist Netherlands SDAP path now has a coalition with its moderate wing. Fixed the AI stealing the formation of the Centroamerican factions from the player. Ideology groups are: 'f' (fascism), 'd' (democratic), 'n' (neutrality) and 'c' (communism). Added Itsuki no Komoriuta (Itsuki Lullaby) for Japan. Georgia can now only be invited into the Moscow Accord if they have seized Batumi, or the War in the Desert has ended. Moved part of the Russian fleet to the Black Sea. Adjusted the Military High Command traits for the Commune of Frances Joseph Vuillemin and Martial Henri Valin. He now becomes recommissioned after the start of the Weltkrieg. Fixed the Persian-Russian peace deal firing instantly. Fixed syndicalist/PatAut Australasia keeping Hong Kong. Fixed Galicia joining Poland while in the Brotherhood of Slavs. Fixed South American countries having European generic advisor pictures. Forming Greater Germany as Austria is now costlier. Added a unique trait to Right Kuomintang officers. Fixed a Canadian, Australasian and South Africa effect actually making generals worse instead of improving them. Buffed an Irish-American Refugee national spirit. Georgia, if theyre in the Reichspakt, can not declare on Armenia. Slightly improved Huey Longs Kingfish trait. Fixed the Danish world news event not firing. Fixed Serbias Dragoljub Mihailovic staying around after he was killed. Improved Germanys AI in naval position and national focus completion priority. Southern Rhodesia now has unique companies. The Socialist Republic of Italy Siamic aircraft designer now has a new trait, so that it is different from the Kingdom of Two Sicilies designer Aeronautical Sicula, which they can inherit. Added Andrew Cunningham as an admiral to the West Indies Federation, replacing Reginald Drax. Decreased the starting War Support in American Civil War participants. Adjusted Yunnan's Republic Reborn national focus tooltip to make clear what it actually does. Fixed Koreas Jo So-ang and Chough Pyung-ok having the wrong leader descriptions. Patagonia can no longer join the Internationale, if it has formed Andesia. Fixed numerous typos, text inconsistencies and overly-long descriptions. Adjusted the effects of some of Paraguays national focuses. Fixed Flanders not annexing itself to the Netherlands, in the Nation within a Nation path. Fixed several bugs with Denmarks Scandinavian focuses. Fixed the US Progressives having no foreign minister. Added equipment reliability and capture buffs to the LEP tags. Fixed Anqing declaring war on AuthDem Shandong. Russia no longer sends volunteers to the Kingdom of Spain. Finland can now be offered membership of the Moscow Accord by Russia. Added Ma Liang and Jin Yune as generals for Shandong. Enabled LIB to go down another pass if the USA loses the civil war. Brazil - army tree fully overhauled and redesigned, naval tree effects adjusted and layout rearranged. Removed the March of the Volunteers event for the Left Kuomintang, as the song was not created in the Kaiserreich timeline. Fixed Argentina's Potosi focus not accounting for Peru-Bolivia. Fixed Swedens seconds-in-command showing up in the event text instead of a tooltip. Added dynamic loc to the Belgian Adalbert's Dream focus. AI behaviour is unchanged. Trimmed Ptains leader description to make it fit on smaller monitors, Merged the decisions to core French Guyana and the jungle of French Guyana, Iraqi foci now correctly adjust their ideas. The Central Asian tags no longer guarantee each other. Updated and expanded the options of countries formed when Germany is annexed. Fixed socialist Brazil being unable to get rid of the inflation national spirit. Fixed Belgiums Albert and Leopold being in two places at once. Fixed Germany declaring war on Totalist Wallonia, even if the game rule was set. Manchu-led Qings Zongshe Party can now negotiate with Germany to maintain some support. Fixed Lithuania sending the wrong event to Germany about the NatPop uprising. Re-added Japans settlers on Marcus Island. Fixed an unwanted event firing for non-German Wallonia. Fixed the Beijing Government reverting to the Qing Empire. Social Democrat Sweden now joins the Reichspakt, if Norway or Finland has gone socialist, or if Russia has annexed Finland. Fixed NatPop Ottomans getting the parliament mechanic. Fixed Carlist Spain declaring war on the French Republic over them seizing Rif during the Spanish Civil War. Serbia now gets a core on Montenegro if it's returned by an annexation. Fixed the 1940 primaries not firing for the PSA. South Africas tree now unlocks if it is puppeted before 1938. Fixed the Canadian annexation event using the wrong effect. Fengtians railway decisions now better incorporate mechanics from No Step Back. Rebalanced the effects of several Left Kuomintang national focuses and national spirits. Added Imru Haile Selassie as a leader for socialist Ethiopia. Fixed three Guatemalan political advisors being permanently unavailable. Great Britain/England can now be released as social conservative and national populist. Otherwise, he will go to either the Fengtian Government, Hunan, Liangguang or Sichuan, preferring one controlled by a player. Why do this? For Nicaragua, Sandino and Moreno are now Syndicalist and RadSoc, respectively. Socialist Russia will now revert to Russian green after winning the Second Russian Civil War. Replaced the German general Eduard Dietl with Nikolaus von Falkenhorst. Fixed Siam being able to build factories in non-controlled states. Dutch East Indies AI should now keep most of its army guarding Java. Kaiserreich . Added a party description to the Russian socialist parties. Chinese countries can now integrate puppets even without being faction leaders. Fixed El Salvadors missing general descriptions. Replaced some extraneous infrastructure in Denmarks national foci rewards with extra build slots. Added a variation of the start of the Weltkrieg news event, if the war is started by Socialist Russia. Fixed the loop in the Bhutanese reform decisions. Fixed Patagonia peacing out with neighbouring enemies after defeating Argentina. Fixed Latvia's decision to join the Internationale not appearing. Fixed Ottoman parliamentary support tooltips appearing for centralists in the focus tree. Werner Kempf is no longer available as a Chief of Army for socialist White Ruthenia. Romania now gets the upgraded Unionist Zeal after beating Bulgaria. Fixed the Fate of Asir and Sinai events for the Ottomans (post-defeat) leaving them with an exclave. Venezuela can now properly demand Essequibo from the West Indies Federation. Updated socalist party popularities in South Africa. Fixed Chen Jiongming becoming a puppet of Tang Jiyao. Fixed the Japan-Entente war flag not being set correctly. Added some checks to NatPop Bulgarias focus availability, so that they can only take them when they are able to declare on Serbia properly. Fixed a loading screen showing an outdated map of Europe. We hope you enjoy it all the same! Fixed China keeping parts of Siam when it surrenders. Wrangel's plan for Russia now gives supply hub and railroad construction boosts. Fixed the Siam coalition government mechanic. Fixed Great Britain potentially attempting to reclaim Kivu, instead of Kenya. Fixed the unit limit bonus tooltip not appearing. Fixed the Puerto Rico Back to the Union game rule not working correctly in all cases. Can no longer go down to Disarmed Nation voluntarily, NatPop SIC now more likely to join Entente, Added a couple of tooltips to three Russian events, Ecuador now starts with a mountaineer template, Smedley Butler now dies after the Second American Civil War, GEA and RUS will now send lend-lease to the United Front if possible, Aland is now demilitarized again at the end of wars. Fixed Hejaz, Jabal Shammar and Saudi Arabia from being able to claim Lebanon and Sinai. German East Asia no longer starts with locked templates. Fixed puppet Netherlands having elections. Persia can now gain claims on Armenias western provinces. Fixed Germany's focus to subjugate Russia not checking if the latter is a puppet. Fixed the modifiers of Naval Production / Air Production continuous focuses having random names. Tweaked Patagonian political and economical focuses, updating the effects, icons and tooltips. Fixed a Cambodian annex event not transferring land to German East Asia. UPDATE: Cheat does not work with the >1.10 version of the game. Zhu De ceding power to Zhu Peide now adds a coalition with his socdems. Fixed the State Transfer Tool decision referring to the incorrect shortcut. Fixed Russia annexing an isolated Transcarpathia. Ma Clique-puppeted Mongolia and Tibet will no longer get their claims in the peace deal, and will instead just be released. Romania's Iron Guard content expanded, especially the middle Legionary tree. Fixed the Ottomans not puppeting Azerbaijan after the Baku Conference. The United States now starts with fifteen National Guard units, instead of nineteen. Fixed the Second Congress of the Left Kuomintang breaking if Puyi isnt the leader of the Qing Government. If Germany does not intervene, Austria can lose all those states and their faction will be removed for good. Fixed the Ottoman Empire's Assyrian Revolt mission not targeting Basra. Fixed Serbia attacking Austria again after the Treaty of Budapest. Fixed puppet democratic Argentina having access to the NatPop tree. Added correct pronoun where appropriate in the Fall of X news events. Added some missing states to what is considered to be French colonial claims. The Manchurian Model Cities focus now requires Concordia Association influence to be above 30%. Fixed Brazil removing their Black Monday national spirit not bypassing some related national focuses. GEA and MAF will now peace out with enemies properly when Germany falls, also made some edits to fix up who Russia will peace out with in that case. Democratic CEN has also gotten extra XP to edit their units more. Removed hundreds of unused global and country variables (flags) in the code, potentially improving performance. Fixed the French Republic being released as a puppet with the wrong government and/or with no cores. Albania will now leave Austrias faction should Wilhelm zu Wied be assassinated. Reduced the amount of damage done by Naval Strikes. Added a decision for Kenya to join the Entente, when at peace. Slightly fixed the description of leader Louis Marin for NFA to not mention the Union Sacre. Added a new portrait for Elias of Bourbon**Parma for the Italian releasable Modena, and gave him his proper Italian name (Elia). Fixed Belgiums game rule so that Albert can now join the Reichspakt. I believe there should be a underscore between the words, e.g. Fixed the Left Kuomintang having decisions to improve their support in places where their support is already at the maximum level. Improved the AIs political power rationing, and their timing of using the generic political decisions. Canadas Looming War national spirit now changes its name to The American Intervention, when appropriate. Uruguay's AI should now prioritise removing the Black Monday debuff. They represent one broad title of ideas, and usually are leaded by the most predominant party of that single ideology. Fixed Switzerlands missing general description for Eugen Bircher. The Netherlands should now turn syndicalist a little less. Fixed a Mittelafrikan event referring to Gring, even if he has been ousted. Fengtian should no longer call for non-Chinese aid. Fixed a couple of Legation Cities events firing twice for Japan. NatPop Mexico no longer can join the Entente. Fixed several broken uses of having the start of a war fire an event. Fixed a remaining mention of Sikorski in the PLC. Apologies to those who enjoyed that path but fear not, itll be back soon and better than ever. Added a new Left Kuomintang Officer trait for generals. Fixed Nasir Shah being retired in the wrong moment, breaking the rest of the events for the Kumul Khanate. Reworked the decisions for reconstruction and coring of Italian states. The United Kingdom no longer starts with the Army in Chaos idea, since it's given by the initial events. This is also potentially available to Ukraine. Fixed the Italian Republic recruiting Sardinian generals who are no longer present. Fixed the bar relating to Nuclear Weapons on the interface, blocking the bar regarding air warfare. Added some events regarding the Romanian annexation of Alfld. Fixed Jorge ONeills portrait not appearing for Ireland. Updated the Argentinean post-unification focus tree for Carles. Fixed a Yunnan focus not accounting for the exiled Federalists, Fixed a wrong scope error in the UK files, Fixed and optimised a bunch of EGY-ETH rivalry events, increased AI CAN emphasis on suppressing Quebec, Fixed and improved the SAF-ENT peace deal, Riga now checks if it can actually declare war on Latvia in its focus, Canada can no longer get the Fate of New England, Fixed the spawns of the Romanian legionary volunteers, Belgium's AT ideas now give piercing boni instead, Yunnan's demand events now keep the original government when puppeting Hunan, MYS core is removed from Malabar Coast once the PRF revolt is done, Fixed an ANQ flag not being cleared and breaking the Conference event, Fixed a Greek focus not accounting for the Dodecanese and Cyprus, Fixed Edwin Barclay's portrait being overwritten by vanilla's, Fixed a broken failsafe in the LEP Move Quickly missions, Fixed GXC not being able to declare war on FNG, Fixed original United Front member countries leaving the alliance, Fixed a post-war CSA event firing mid-ACW, Some rebalancing of the MAF building slots.

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hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich